Pogaru telugu cinema

Now he came with Pogaru (Timiru in tamil) to telugu audience. He has taken the dubbing rights and released personally. Pogaru the last portion was purely tamil culture oriented which is different from our styles, so it was a bit exotic. But Pogaru is ok to a large extent. But seriousness is lacking in picturising such plot. What we have to see in this movie is vishal reddy, as he is slowly carving his position in tollywood and he is another promissing candidate for action films. In this film, his action is very good and commendable. Particularly with his spectacles, and quick actions are too good. In some scenes he shows real pogaru or courage in something like that . But the great tempo portryed by him through action, was not sustained by the plot, theme and direction. For just kicking goons with legs and hands none need be a hero. Now a days every hero kicks like that only. If it is tamil film direction, when some body kicks, the person will be thrown into air, hit the front wind shield of the sumo and comes out the rear window. (refer chandra mukhi , pogaru).
Reema sen portion is avarage, though she always fills the role with some special sparks.
Shriya reddy may also have telugu origins, but could not speak much of telugu fluently. She is anchor for SS music channel. Her portion is far from sympathy or appreciation, though she acted well. In movies, it is not important what you told, but it is important how you told. The shreya reddy, her brothers, the gang failed to impress the telugu people, who got a bunch of wonderful revenge stories, with pokiri in their minds. Anyway, this is worth watching once for vishal reddy. By the way, it is heard that he is coming out with two more pictures in next six months. Hope he acts in direct telugu in a good telugu director's hand.
Labels: vishal reddy
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